Sunday 30 December 2012

Editing Terminology (basics)

Scene          The compilation of shots in a certain area
Shot          Starts when you press record, ends when you press stop
Take          Every time a shot is attempted from a certain angle
Cross Cutting          When the scene is edited in such a way as to make the audience believe that two                              Shots are happening simultaniously
Transitions          The process that happens between two shots
Pan          Where the camera moves on a horizontally plane to scan an object or place
Tilt          The same as Pan however it works on a vertical plane
Dissolve          Where two shots blend into each other

Sound Terminology

Major key          a happy sounding piece of music
Minor key          a sad/uncomfortable piece of music
Climax          a swell in the music
Crecendo          where the music gets louder
Diminuendo          where the music gets quieter
Staccato          where the music becomes short sharp notes (think of the music from psycho)
Legato          long and flowing music
Repeated melody         shows significance to a certain scene
Leitmotif          when a piece of music is associated with a certain character
Dynamics          the level of the volume
Atmospheric sounds          low ominous sounds like wind or scraping metal
Hypersensitive sounds          where noises are exaggerated to create an emotional effect

Thursday 22 November 2012

How to Achieve Band 4 in all Categories of an Essay (for the essay question we have previously done)

In the category of “Explanation/ Evidence/ Audience” there are 4 points on how to achieve band 4
·         Shows excellent understanding of the task
·         Excellent knowledge and understanding of institutional/audience practices – factual knowledge is relevant and accurate
·         A clear and developed argument substantiated by detailed reference to case study material
·         Clearly relevant to set question

In the category of “Use of Examples” there are 2 points on how to achieve band 4
·         Offers frequent evidence from case study material – award marks to reflect the range and appropriateness of examples from case study and/or own experience
·         Offers examples which are clearly relevant to the set question

In the category of “Use of Terminology” there is only 1 point on how to achieve band 4, however it is a crucial one
·         Use of terminology is relevant and accurate