Saturday 27 October 2012

1 Upcoming Game Release

Assassin’s creed 3

When I heard this was coming out all I could say was “FINALLY” this game series has left the fans, like me, with tons of cliff-hangers. This game however has had several rumors about being the last game in the series, so hopefully there will be no more cliff hangers. 

So far in the series we've played a rule breaking assassin from Jerusalem, a smooth sophisticated Italian assassin and a guy called Desmond who’s a bit confused. And would you believe it but in the next game we play another free running psychopath called Connor.

However that is where the similarities stop. Probably the biggest difference in the new game is naval warfare. Sure in the previous games you could fly or use a tank as if you were from the future, but in this game you get to command an armada into battle. Even though there is this new dynamic side to the game, we still have the protagonist being his little nimble self.

The story takes place after Desmond has woken up from some kind of coma. Not much has been said about the Desmond story line but the writers have revealed a lot about the life of Connor. We know that the time is of the war of independence in America. Both sides are the enemy to this cold blooded killer. All we know is he’s out for knowledge of the Templars who wish to control the minds of all humans. Even though he seems to be a bloody killer the audience can tell that Connor is not the antagonist via his white outfit (connotes purity) and the fact that every shot of him is a low shot (connotes power).

This game is to come out on 31 October and (as usual with assassin’s creed games) it is expected to have a huge profit after one week in shops. 

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