Tuesday 2 October 2012

Home work- Evaluation of presentation


I think it’s safe to say that our presentation was a little video heavy. But although it was tedious to watch it was full of facts and info, which I guess makes it good for the content of the presentation.


Because we are going through our faults and places of improvement I guess I should probably express the most common complaint through a picture

After hearing my voice over and over I too can agree that it was BORING.


To combat this popular complaint I would have to re voice the movie or even better use text for the majority of the information and only vocalise the main points. This would give the effect of making the whole video more entertaining and would make it easier to create.


On the other hand we also had a blog to accompany our video; this blog had more of an informative serious side, yet still had some humour on it. This is where we got most of our praises. All but one of our evaluators said that we had very good detail in our blog, which is great to hear.


Another of our “negative” reviews was the pictures used. We were stuck for time and thus used the same photos over and over again. It ended up with having to use the photo of Morgana 5 times. If I was to do the video again I would probably spend more time on choosing photos than we did.


One good review we got was for our originality. This I assume was referring to the video. We chose this style because it was a new cool way to portray our presentation. However I think we could have recived a better overall review if we stuck with the normal techniques (however I doubt I will do that as it’s fun to make the videos).


For our terminology we got mixed reviews. From some we got “good and in-depth terminology” whereas with others we got “more terminology needed” so overall I’m a tad on the confused side. My only guess is that one was talking about the video and the other about the blog (or vice versa). However in my opinion they are both a good example of terminology.


In the end the best reviews we got were about our effort in the video and the blog. I think there is no way that we could have got a bad mark in this as both Sarah and I put a huge amount of time and effort into the script for the video, the video and the blog.


In my opinion I think if given more time I would make the video shorter (or more interactive) and the blog longer as that had the majority of our best work.     

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