Saturday 27 October 2012

How is technology changing the computer game industry?

Probably one of the main points is how the internet is being used. Thousands of people could soon be out of jobs because of the game download function on consoles these days. Because a person can simply buy a game online in 5 minutes without leaving the house the shops that sell the games are losing business. The way some shops are trying to combat this is by buying the writes to sell the game online instead of the original company. This isn't just bad for the shops though, the distributors of the games will no longer have jobs so that line of work will lose money too.

However, the internet can be used for good areas of gaming. After seeing how high the definition is on phones these days there are some companies (Microsoft being one of them) who wish to start selling full games on phones which increases that field of work. However this idea is still in planning.

Probably the biggest problem that the industry faces in the future is the rising cost of the games. This rise has caused many to stop playing games, if prices continue to rise i wouldn't be surprised if some game companies close down.

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